Adult Week
Event registration is now closed.
For campers aged 20-55 who enjoy fun, fellowship and activities.
** Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Register" **
**This week is currently full. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please email us @ [email protected]

If you are not taken to the payment page following the questionnaire, then the registration was not submitted successfully.

*Note that all fields must be filled out; please us N/A where fields are not applicable.

Adults $500.00
0 Spots Available
July 7 - 12, 2024
Rehoboth Gull Lake Camp
Park Street
Lacombe County, AB T0C 2J0
July 07, 1 pm
Drop Off
July 12, 11 am
Pick Up

Rehoboth Gull Lake Camp is located 15 km west of Lacombe; just take Highway 12 or 53 west off of Highway 2.